The Dentistry

The dental department of Aegle Clinic provides a full spectrum of dental services and is fully equipped with the latest in the field of dentistry. Being a patient oriented practice, our primary aim is to provide all patients with pain free dental treatment. With a friendly and inviting atmosphere, our focus is on ensuring patient satisfaction, comfort and aftercare.

Our full time doctor is available to cater to all your dental needs with utmost care.Walk in today to experience a whole wide range of dental treatments at our hospital.


Tooth Extractions
Root Canal Treatment
Teeth Whitening
Tooth Coloured Fillings
Smile Designing
Bridges for Missing Tooth
Gum Treatments

Gingival Treatments
Bone Grafting
Bone Contouring
Bone Regeneration
Treatment of Gingival Recession
Removable Partial Dentures
Complete Dentures
Cast Partial Dentures
Scaling and Polishing
All Ceramic Crowns
Stainless Steel Crowns